Detectives at the Criminal Investigations Department headquarters, Kibuli have Monday confirmed the arrest of vocal blogger, Isma Olaxes aka Jajja Iculi. The embattled blogger has been on the run following the issuance of his arrest warrant over his derogatory statements demonizing the person of Omulangira Ssuuna, a local singer.
Olaxess has been ”charged to court for offensive communication and criminal libel,” according to CID spokesperson Charles Twiine said.
It is said that Isma who recently proclaimed himself as the president of Uganda bloggers Association, a ghost umbrella, conspired with renowned NBS TV presenter Kayz and they issued rants directed at the person of Omulangira Ssuuna.
Kayz was however immediately arrested and charged before Buganda Road Magistrate Court which remanded him to Kitalya prison till October 15.
Upon learning of this development, Olaxess went into hiding till Omulangira Ssuuna placed a UGX 1m bounty on anyone who could trace for the faded blogger and influence his arrest.
Olaxess, a strong ally of president Museveni is best remembered for his statements glorifying the murder of over 54 Ugandans during the deadly November protests. He made a livestream footage and appluaded the military for the ‘job well done’. Despite making hateful statements and sectarian violence against the NUP party president Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert aka Bobi Wine and his family, Olaxess walked on scot free as he was never punished for his deeds.